Meet our 6 year old Brantley!

    He is our bright, sweet, caring, funny, full of life, little boy who we just love SO much, and we are so proud of him.

    Some things he loves is of course Jesus, Jesus first always!! He loves going
    to Church and doing Church activities with his friends. This year was his first year being involved with VBS, and he randomly will start singing the VBS theme-song even though its been over for a couple months now haha. He loves science, toys, running around on the playground with friends, slime, video games, and movies.

    This little guy has watched my husband and I run our own businesses his whole life,and he has started to gain an interest.

    We were at the store one day, and he said those magic words "Can I get this?". 🀣 Well, he is currently home schooled, and for a learning opportunity for him, we have decided to open up his own little shop right here on our website selling his artwork.

    May I add also, that this decision excited him, and he keeps asking "did we sell any"?!! Haha.

    Thank you for reading. All proceeds from the below products will go directly
    to Brantley as he learns the importance of motivation, dedication, appreciation, and has fun doing it. β€οΈπŸ–πŸ–ŒπŸŽ¨πŸŒˆ